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about the Metrowest Networkers Group

During the pandemic of 2020-2023, most networking groups in Massachusetts ceased in-person meetings or disbanded entirely. The Metrowest Networkers Group was started in December 2023 by a group of job seekers and career switchers who believe the key to landing a new position sooner, rather than later, is meeting people in person---true networking.

The group that met in December 2023 included: Brian K, Maureen K, Ed Lawrence, Mohammad M, Christine R, Jack S,
John T, and Peter Z. It is through their planning and work that the MNG came to fruition.


Google Group:

LinkedIn Group:


Bookmark these sites; join our groups.

We hop to build a collaborative online community to supplement the in person meetings.


When: 1st & 3rd Fridays of the month.  10 am - Noon.

*** The April 19 Meeting will be at the Framingham Public Library on Lexington St. We shall meet on the lower level. *******

The May and June meetings shall be at First Parish in Framingham

WHERE:  First Parish in Framingham Unitarian Universalist

                 24 Vernon St, Framingham, MA 01701)

Parking:   Plenty of parking!!



MAp showing location for MWNG meeting site
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